Bristol County Sheriff’s Office K9 unit, JRI Fall River collect toys for children for Christmas

For the 9th year in a row, the Bristol County Sheriff’s Office K9 unit has partnered with Justice Resource Institute in Fall River, MA to gather toys for foster children at JRI who might not otherwise get toys at Christmas. These toys go to dozens of children.
Bob Costa, Director of Foster Care Programs at JRI, said “This helps kids who would not otherwise have received presents. We thank the BCSO K9 unit for their support every Christmas. It makes a big difference in the lives of our children. It is a good community outreach program.”
Jeff Williams, who is a BCSO Captain and head of the BCSO K9 unit, said “We are happy to give back each season. This was a weeks-long team effort by all of the members of the K9 unit. We will support JRI foster children as long as we can.”