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Bristol County restaurant’s new menu item causing strong opinions and stronger business



Photo courtesy of Old Grist Mill Tavern

Who knew that a vanilla flavored cake could cause such strong opinions.

The Old Grist Mill Tavern at 390 Fall River Avenue in Seekonk took to social media on June 2nd to announce a rainbow pride cake to celebrate love the entire month of June. The restaurant says that they aren’t making a political statement, however, it hasn’t stopped the limited-time menu item from causing a divide.

The cake, which also contains vanilla cream frosting and pearled vanilla candy whipped cream, has led to over 1,000 comments and over 300 shares on the original cake post.

Initially, opinions expressed were along the lines of threats to never eat at the restaurant again, to assertions that the restaurant will go broke for being “woke” referencing how businesses such as Target and Anheuser Busch have recently seen backlash for recent campaigns in support of “pride”.

The social media post is now full of mainly positive comments and the restaurant is now full of new customers ordering the new cake in support of the move. Some of the new patrons traveling an hour or more to give the Tavern their business.

Some of the criticism has led supporters to express that if someone doesn’t like the cake, they don’t have to eat it, however, getting a piece may be tough to come by as we have heard instances of the cake selling out.

The Old Grist Mill Tavern is open from Sunday to Thursday 11:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Friday/Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.



  1. Fed Up

    June 10, 2023 at 7:59 am

    ” Who knew that a vanilla flavored cake could cause such strong opinions. ”

    The same could be said for when the Christian bakery refused to make a cake for a gay couple. Lets not pretend it’s as simple as just a cake.

    ” The social media post is now full of mainly positive comments ”

    Of course it is. Any comments other than flowery will be removed post haste.

    • Ken Masson

      June 10, 2023 at 12:19 pm

      Don’t worry it won’t turn you gay. Just be glad you weren’t born that way because now you’d be receiving the hate of people like you. Is this why you don’t use your real name coward? You’re afraid people you know will find out what a bigoted hater you are? So what makes you hate so much the man-made Bible? So who else do you hate brown people? Poor people? Muslims?

      • Fed Up

        June 10, 2023 at 3:38 pm

        Everything wrong with society today. Lots of emotion and nothing else. Lots of projection as well. If you want to know my position on the topic ask it. Don’t draw your own conclusions and then take it as fact.

        I don’t have a problem with homosexuality. I was arguing for same sex marriage in the 1980s when it was really unpopular. Now it’s politically convenient for everyone to be gay friendly.

        Gay people are NOT born that way. They’ve done multiple studies on multiple sets of identical twins , One gay the other not. They have identical DNA so much for that theory.

        Wow Ken Masson says I’m a coward. I could type any name it doesn’t mean that’s who I am. You’ve proven exactly what I was talking about. ANY critique of anything is labeled bigotry if it’s not glowing , try harder. These claims are so diluted they claims of bigotry & racism are meaningless at this point.

        I’m an atheist so there goes that theory as well. I’ll tell you who I hate. Stupid people such as yourself. Stupid people draw conclusions , speak on emotion , disregard facts & logic and look to silence & demonize anyone they disagree with then projection on their flaws onto everyone else.

        Do you like apples Ken? How do you like them apples?

  2. lucille rissler

    June 10, 2023 at 8:08 am

    I look at it as a beautiful cake consisting of 5 layers of pretty colors that looks like it would be delicious
    and just the colors of it bring a smile to my face, it is a cake and nothing more except what people want to read into it.

  3. Virginia Eckert

    June 10, 2023 at 3:03 pm

    Will be over later for dinner and dessert.

  4. MortisMaximus

    June 10, 2023 at 9:10 pm


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