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Bridgewater Police release video of attempted abduction, sexual assault



A West Bridgewater man has been arrested on several charges thanks to a brave and quick thinking victim and local police.

According to Bridgewater Police, at approximately 7:34 a.m. yesterday, they received two 911 calls in response to a crime that had just occurred.

A local female jogger was grabbed by a suspect while running on Route 104 Pleasant Street in the town. The suspect then tried to pull her towards his car and a struggle and assault took place. The victim yelled for help and was able to fend off the attacker. The suspect then fled and sped away from the scene. The female victim was able to take a picture of the back of the vehicle and get a partial plate. The suspect later crashed on Route 24 North where he was identified after an investigation of the alleged crimes.

The suspect in question turned out to be Gordon J. Lyons, 57, of Bridgewater. He was treated for his injuries and is charged with Kidnapping, Indecent Assault and Battery and Assault and Battery. He is pending arraignment at court in Brockton.

Here is a video of the incident courtesy of Bridgewater Police. The vehicle who stopped tried to help the female jogger and was one of the two 911 callers along with the victim.

Anyone who may have witnessed the incident is asked to call the Bridgewater Police Department at 508-697-6118.

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