Braga Bridge drainage cleaning taking place this week, lane closures ahead

The Braga Bridge drains are getting a much needed cleaning.
According to MassDOT, District 5 will conduct cleaning operations on the Braga Bridge over the Taunton River in Fall River and Somerset on Thursday, August 16 and Friday, August 17, 2018. Work will consist of cleaning of the bridge drainage structures and will take place between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. each day.
On Thursday, cleaning operations will be focused on the Eastbound side of the bridge. Work will require closures of the left (high speed) travel lane to clean structures in the median, followed by closure breakdown and right (low speed) lanes to clean structures in the outside shoulder. On Friday, similar operations will be performed on the Westbound side of the bridge.
Two travel lanes will remain open to vehicles in each direction traveling over the bridge at all times. Traffic Management will consist of standard temporary traffic control utilizing police details.
Drivers who are traveling through the affected areas should expect delays, reduce speed, and use caution. All scheduled work is weather dependent and/or may be impacted due to an emergency situation.
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