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Believe it or not, Fall River residents are having more city pride and its showing



Photo courtesy of Carlos Cesar

This may create a chuckle from some, but Fall River residents are taking more pride in their community as of late and it shows.

While there will always be vandals and people who litter, every day folks have launched initiatives to make Fall River look better.

Several groups just hosted cleanups and beautifications or have them planned in the near future such as SouthCoast Youth group on June 26th on Pleasant Street.

Then there is Christopher’s Restaurant and neighboring businesses and residents who have cleaned up trash, added greenery on sidewalks and have begun decorating window store fronts on South Main Street all to make Fall River prettier and show community pride.

This month, Doran School students and teachers planted flowers in the courtyard of Prosper assisted living on Columbia Street with help from a donation by Arujo Farm and a plant sale held by students.

Also, Fall River has the Cathy Assad Community Garden on North Seventh Street, and the Fall River Garden Club is doing their thing including recent plantings at Charlton Memorial Hospital.

Some city residents complain about Fall River’s shortcomings and do nothing about it, however, more and more residents are literally taking into their own hands.



  1. Fed Up

    June 18, 2024 at 3:00 pm

    That’s good to here, However the litterers out number you guys. Go to any basketball court in this city and they are LITTERED ( pun intended ) with empty drink bottles covering the length of the courts. DPW comes cleans it up and the next freaking day same thing. The sad part there are literally 2 trash barrels at the courts. Some people are that lazy.

  2. Mark Arruda

    June 18, 2024 at 4:43 pm

    It’s the thoughtless littering, another resident and myself pick up the trash thrown from cars a couple times a week.

  3. DewDad

    June 18, 2024 at 5:20 pm

    As property values rise and renters are priced out for a more educated Boston-area workforce, things will turn around. Look at what’s happened in Somerville or Southie in the past 25 years.

    Get the low value renters out and bring in people who want to live in a nice area with great amenities.

    • MortisMaximus

      June 22, 2024 at 2:06 pm

      Fall River will not flourish economically without a manufacturing base. Service industry jobs are fickle, retail businesses are closing at rates not seen since the Great Depression same for restaurants. Creating wealth requires manufacturing widgets and doodads. High finance and commodity trading does nothing but for those at the highest levels. A seat on the CME cost $415,000. If Americans don’t produce the products we need for a modern lifestyle, we are at the mercy of despotic regimes similar to all of those across Asia. Moving manufacturing to places like Chyna was the objective of the Tri-lateral Commission a creation of the Rockefeller family, founders of Exxon Mobil (Standard Oil).

  4. George

    June 18, 2024 at 7:30 pm

    Of course we are who isnt proud to live in the top five most violent cities in Massachusetts, Have criminals for politicians racist cops I’m just glowing with pride Fallllllll River, You know.

  5. Numbah

    June 19, 2024 at 6:07 am

    Planting a thousand more trees in sidewalk cutouts will go a long way to help improve the city’s look but teaching the common sense idea that littering is wrong needs to start at home. The trash left behind at Britland basketball courts is inexcusable.

  6. Amy

    June 19, 2024 at 11:29 am

    I believe it! Keep up the good work, Fall River!

  7. MortisMaximus

    June 22, 2024 at 1:54 pm

    Sorry but I don’t see it, been here since birth 52 years.

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