Authorities warn of saturated presence of coyotes

Coyotes have become pretty saturated in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, leading another town to issue a warning.
A statement was just issued by the Little Compton Firefighter’s Association:
“Not to anyone’s surprise, we have a coyote roaming around. This was taken about 10 minutes ago, behind the Public Safety Complex. Please be mindful of them, I’m sure there isn’t just one.”
Mass Wildlife has issued some tips on dealing with coyotes.
Feeding coyotes
Secure your garbage
Coyotes raid open trash materials and compost piles. Secure your garbage in tough plastic containers with tight fitting lids and keep them in secure buildings when possible. Take out trash when the morning pick up is scheduled, not the previous night. Keep compost in secure, vented containers, and keep barbecue grills clean to reduce attractive odors.
Keep bird feeder areas clean
Use feeders designed to keep seed off the ground and clean spilled seed daily, as bird seed attracts many small mammals coyotes prey upon. Remove feeders if coyotes are regularly seen around your yard.
Protect produce and livestock
Clear fallen fruit from around fruit trees. Use fencing to protect livestock from coyotes. Coyotes can jump over or dig under fences that are improperly built. Fencing should be at least 6 feet high and extend into the ground. You may also install PVC pipe that is free to spin around a tight wire at the top of the fence or have an outward overhang of fence wire to make it more difficult for the coyote to grip and get over the fence.
Feed pets indoors
Outdoor feeding can attract many wild animals.
Eliminating shelter for coyotes
Close off crawl spaces
Coyotes will use areas under porches and sheds for resting and raising young. Close these areas off to prevent animals from using them.
Cut back brushy edges
Be sure to keep brushy edges in your yard trimmed, as these areas provide cover for coyotes and their prey.
Protecting pets from coyotes
Habituated coyotes
- Does not run off when harassed or chased.
- Approaches pets on a leash.
- Approaches and follows people.
If an immediate threat to human safety exists, MassWildlife, Animal Control Officers, police departments, and the Environmental Police have the authority to respond to and dispatch the animal as stipulated in the Code of Massachusetts Regulations (CMR) 2.14 that pertain to handling problem animals. This includes animals exhibiting clear signs of rabies. If possible, MassWildlife should first be contacted to authorize the lethal taking of a coyote.
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