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As cases near 80,000, Massachusetts COVID-19 statistics continue positive trend Tuesday



With a gradual reopening of Massachusetts possible beginning on Monday, statistics involving COVID-19 in the state continue in an overall positive direction.

Massachusetts has seen 870 more positive cases in the last 24 hours. An increase from the previous 24 hour period.

The Massachusetts Department of Health statistics show a rise in total cases to 79,332 with 33 more reported dead for a total of 5,141.

Massachusetts had seen 669 more positive cases in the previous 24 hour period.

Testing continues as 6,768 tests were performed, just over 400 more than the total released yesterday, to increase the overall total to 401,496.

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Cases by City and Town as of May 5th

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• Massachusetts residents subject to COVID-19 quarantine by current status up to May 5th, 2020
• Total of individuals subject to quarantine: 32,019
• Total of individuals who have completed monitoring (no longer in quarantine): 22,148
• Total of individuals currently undergoing monitoring/under quarantine: 9,871

According to the CDC, as of May 12th, the total amount of cases in the country is 1,342,594 with 80,820 dead.

In related news, Governor Charlie Baker today toured MatTek Life Sciences, a Massachusetts-based company of 35 years, that is currently participating in the Baker-Polito Administration’s Manufacturing Emergency Response Team (M-ERT). This initiative assists local manufacturers in transitioning operations to produce personal protective equipment (PPE) and other critical items needed to support the Commonwealth’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

In addition to providing essential products for COVID-19 research, six weeks ago MatTek also pivoted labs and staff into producing hand sanitizer, and has donated hundreds of liters to local first responders and medical facilities, and shipped thousands of liters across the country.

MatTek has received grant support through the M-ERT’s funding program launched last month to substantially increase their output of viral transport media. The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center is among the M-ERT partners that have made capital funding available to pivoting manufacturers.

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