Are you happy with Fall River Cable? This is your chance to be heard!

FRCMedia is conducting a survey on Fall River cable services and are giving away gift cards in the process.
Comcast’s cable TV license in Fall River will expire in 2019, and when negotiations for a new cable franchise begin, public input will play a very important role.
To collect that input, FRCMedia is conducting a Community Needs Assessment to enable Fall River residents to share their opinions about their experience with Comcast Communications, with Fall River’s community access channels (FRCMedia, FRED-TV, and FRG-TV), and with the resources available through those channels.
The data they gather will directly impact the future level and quality of the city’s cable services. Among other benefits, it will help to:
-Assure quality customer service from Comcast.
-Provide support for Fall River’s community media and public access channels: FRCMedia Channel 95, Fall River Government Television, and Fall River Educational Television.
-Create opportunities for new state-of-the-art media services in Fall River.
-Identify new ways for local community access channels to partner with and serve Fall River’s schools, government, and nonprofits.
FRCMedia is asking for your input by taking a brief online survey here:
According to FRCMedia, if you take the survey by June 30th you will be eligible to win one of two $100 Amazon gift cards!
Chris menard
June 7, 2018 at 6:29 pm
Comcast sucks
Cable is always cuut out
Internet always lags
June 9, 2018 at 5:45 pm
Honestly Comcast is getting to expensive. It’s getting ridiculous. Craziness