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President Trump Executive Order commutes and pardons those involved in January 6th including Swansea man



A Swansea man and former Fall River business owner convicted concerning alleged actions at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th received good news on Monday.

President Donald Trump commuted sentences and granted a full, complete and unconditional pardon to all other individuals convicted of offenses related to events that occurred at or near the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. That includes Michael St. Pierre.

St. Pierre was previously charged in a criminal complaint filed in the District of Columbia with a felony offense of civil disorder. In addition, St. Pierre was charged with several misdemeanor offenses, including destruction of government property; knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly conduct in a Capitol building; and committing an act of physical violence in the Capitol grounds or buildings.

In early October, the court directed a verdict of guilty on counts 1s, 2s, 6s, and 7s and not guilty on Counts 3s, 4s, and 5s.

Sentencing was set for 3/14/2025 which will no longer take place.

According to court documents, St. Pierre traveled from his home to Washington, D.C, and participated in the U.S. Capitol riots on Jan. 6, 2021. While walking towards the Capitol grounds, St. Pierre can be heard stating that the Capitol is “where the meeting ground is. Hopefully, they’ll bust through, and I’ll join them to rush the Capitol, to grab Nancy Pelosi by the hair.”

Court documents state that video footage taken from that day depicts a man, later identified as St. Pierre, throwing an object through the open exterior doors at a set of interior doors of the Capitol building. Video footage also shows U.S. Capitol Police officers attempting to manage the crowd outside the doors and finally retreating to the interior entryway of the building as the crowd became more violent. Once the officers were inside, several protesters, including St. Pierre, threw objects at the doors that the officers were behind.

St. Pierre is also allegedly seen encouraging others to assist him as he joins a group of rioters pushing against a police line. In another open-source video, court documents say that St. is seen encouraging rioters to enter the Capitol building.

St. Pierre issued the following statement on social media Monday.

“Open Letter To My Community

On January 6th, 2021, our government faced the largest assembly of opposition in American history. For me, it was never about the election—that was just another example of abuse of power in my eyes. It was the COVID mandates that fueled my resolve and forever changed my path.

If you had asked me in 2021 if I would do it all over again, my answer would have been no. However, bizarre actions often stem from bizarre circumstances, and that was certainly true for both COVID and January 6th.

By 2023, and an abundant of facts my perspective had shifted. My answer became, “only if it leads to accountability and meaningful change.” After the 2024 election, however, my stance has become an emphatic yes. Once President Trump won, I no longer needed to wonder about accountability—it became a reality.

This morning, Biden quietly signed preemptive pardons for some of the key actors responsible for countless deaths, widespread division, and abuses of power that devastated millions of lives across the world. This administration has permanently stained American democracy and will undoubtedly be remembered as a turning point in history—a time when evil rose to power through deception, cloaked in the guise of compassion and an abuse of authority.

Today, as we heal under God’s light, let us never forget how we have forced the hand of God to save us from ourselves. When we ignore God’s will, we allow satan to creep in. Together, and in good faith satan has no power. It’s only when we sit idly by focused on our own circumstances we unintentionally allow evil to destroy the very fabric of America—what those before us gave their lives to protect—events like January 6th become inevitable. And that’s if we’re lucky. Far worse than a January 6th event is the emergence of a one-party system, creating a two-tiered society of “The Wealthy” and “The Poor.”

COVID was part of a plan, and January 6th was an extension of that same plan: to remove Trump from power.

As information emerges in the coming days, weeks, and months, it will become clear to anyone with an ounce of good faith just how close we came to losing our country to evil itself. Four years of Kamala Harris would have cemented the imprisonment of the America we once knew. We all caught glimpses of what was coming under Biden, and, as this election proved, it was so disastrous that it inspired unprecedented voter turnout. This led to the most resounding defeat of an administration that held the largest donors, celebrity influencers, mainstream narratives, and the most powerful arms of government fully under its control.

In the coming days, weeks, and months, you will be exposed to a significant amount of disheartening information—things you never imagined possible from your own government.

As a January 6th participant, and I believe I speak for 99% of us, we felt our role that day was necessary given the path this country was on. The events that unfolded were beyond our control, but the evidence soon to be released will alarm you. The events of January 6th were envisioned and prepared long before that day ever arrived—primed and ready.

I don’t condone violence, nor do I believe it’s something that should ever be taken lightly. However, I’m certain the millions of soldiers who have given their lives to safeguard our freedoms didn’t condone it either. Violence should always remain a last resort against tyranny.

May God Bless You all and May God Always Bless America.

— Mike St. Pierre, J6 Defendant

Case No: 1:23-cr-00268″

The Order was one of many signed by Trump on Monday.


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