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Letter to the editor: In my opinion, it is time for change and Justin Thurber will bring a fresh and new perspective



Justin Thurber

This is an opinion letter that was submitted to Fall River Reporter and was not written by us as we do not endorse candidates.

IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE!! Vote Justin Thurber, State Representative.

The voting process for the 2024 election has officially begun with mail-in ballots recently mailed to those that have requested them. I personally believe this election is the most important election since I first starting voting in 1971. Please vote wisely.

This year I am supporting Justin Thurber for State Representative for the 5th Bristol District. Justin is running against Patricia Haddad who has served for over 23 years. In my opinion, it is time for change and Justin Thurber will bring a fresh and new perspective representing this district on Beacon Hill. My personal core values and beliefs are much in line with Justin Thurber’s core values and beliefs. Less taxes, support for law enforcement, represent people in the district and not special interests, oppose mandates and laws that take away our freedoms and I strongly believe in his stand for the parental right to decide on their children’s education and healthcare. Justin also wants to improve educational outcomes, fix the broken immigration system, prioritize help for seniors, veterans and low-income residents and bring integrity back to the Statehouse. These are just some of the reasons why I am supporting Justin Thurber for State Representative.

Patricia Haddad, Justin Thurber’s opponent, has not responded to several requests to debate Justin. Justin has reached out to her multiple times with no response from Representative Haddad or from or her staff. She has also ignored multiple requests from the Somerset Republican Town Committee to debate Justin. Why is Patricia Haddad refusing to be seen in a public forum that would be available for all voters to view and to become informed? Patricia Haddad, through the Somerset Town Democrat Committee, has moderated Meet Your Candidate Night in Somerset for over 20 years. She has said many times that it is so important for voters to know the candidates and be informed when they vote in town elections. Patricia Haddad said she was going to run on her record and that she was going to be herself and nothing was going to change. Why then does she refuse to defend her record in a debate with Justin Thurber? The answer is simple…Patricia Haddad is afraid her voting record will be EXPOSED. Patricia Haddad is afraid voters will learn she voted NO on lowering the state income tax and that she voted to give drivers licenses to illegal immigrants which allow illegal immigrants to vote. Patricia Haddad voted NO on income tax credits for seniors and voted NO on giving Veterans housing preference over immigrants. She voted YES to allow 16 year olds to get an abortion without parental consent and voted YES to raise natural gas fees. She voted YES to raising the state sales tax by 25% and did not hesitate to vote YES to give herself a 40% pay increase. The list of her failed voting record is extensive.

After nearly 24 years, voters finally have a choice in this upcoming election. By supporting Justin Thurber, voters have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Vote wisely…it is time for change!!


Michael Langfield



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