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Petition started in an attempt to reverse no cell phone policy for certain Fall River Public Schools



A group of students and parents are looking to overturn a new policy.

Last week, a program passed unanimously by the School Committee having no cell phone use for students at some Fall River Public Schools with exceptions.

As students would come through the door in the morning, they would place their cell phone, watches, and ear buds in a magnetic Yondr bag which will unlock at the end of school. There would be medical pouches for students who need to access their phone for medical reasons.

Parents who want to get in contact with their children can call the main office of the school. Parents Square can also be used.

The policy will take effect a few weeks into the upcoming school year at Durfee, Talbot, Morton, and Kuss, and grades six through eight at the Henry Lord and John Doran schools.

Kuss Middle School already had a policy where all electronic devices must be off and placed in the student’s locker for the duration of the school day with the exception of their VILS
school-issued Chromebook.

Since the announcement, an online petition has been created that is approaching 800 electronic signatures, many of which are students in the Fall River Public School system.

The most popular criticisms from those against the policy are safety/emergency concerns and the free flow of communication between parents and student will come to a halt.

Those in favor, point to less distraction for students with less bullying due to students not being able to coordinate with their phones. Those of the older generation call attention to their being no cell phones when they went to school, and they survived.

There has been no indication that the School Committee plans on doing a 180, however, it won’t stop proponents from wanting their voice to be heard.



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