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Three from New York and Rhode Island held on ICE detainers after shots fired at robbery victim



EAST PROVIDENCE, RI – Three have been arrested on a list of charges after an alleged shooting and robbery.

East Providence police were alerted to a robbery where shots were fired at the victim around 9:00 am Tuesday morning in the area of James Street. The victim approached an officer working a traffic detail and gave a description of the suspects and the vehicle they were in. Several officers and detectives responded to the area and located a red Honda CRV that had crashed at the intersection of James Street and Blanding Avenue. Neighbors confirmed hearing gunfire and directed officers to the vicinity of where the three suspects fled on foot. 

Officers set up a perimeter and focused on the Central Avenue playground area where they located the three suspects hiding behind the skate ramp. All three were taken into custody without incident. A loaded firearm was also located in the immediate area of the three suspects. 

They were positively identified by the victim and brought to the police station to be processed.

The suspects have been identified as 38-year-old Abel Nolasco of Bronx, New York, 33-year-old David Ramos of Bronx, New York, and 28-year-old Alex Manuel Jesus Marte of Providence, RI.

All three suspects have been charged with 1st Degree Robbery, Conspiracy, License Required to Carry a Firearm, Discharging a Firearm While Committing a Crime, Discharging a Firearm from a Motor Vehicle, Possession of Large Capacity Feeding Device, Receiving Stolen Goods, Firing in a Compact Area, and Disorderly Conduct.

 Additionally, all three are being held on ICE detainers due to illegal reentry into the United States.

Police say this was an isolated incident. 



  1. Fed Up

    July 17, 2024 at 11:35 am

    Joe Biden approved! This is what happens when the boarder goes unchecked. Most Americans have no problem with LEGAL migration this way people can be properly vetted and we’re not letting drug dealers and violent criminals in to cause havoc!

    • M

      July 17, 2024 at 3:32 pm

      I agree legal immigration is fine and illegal immigration is wrong. The southern border is obviously a huge problem and a security threat. But the southern border isn’t the only source of illegal immigration. Even if you completely stop immigration from the southern border we will still have a problem. Illegal immigration is more than just the southern border.

  2. Ccullen

    July 17, 2024 at 9:32 pm

    Get rid of every democrat politician up for re-election. Vote them out !

  3. CKHall

    July 18, 2024 at 8:54 am

    Enough already!!! Stop and find every single unregistered immigrant and get them deported. Of course the U.S. has crime committed by naturalized citizens, but I’ve noticed much higher crimes being committed by these worthless pieces of doo doo and they are wrecking havoc. The borders need to be closed immediately. This is becoming a mess and I’m so tired of the increase in crimes. The United States are NOT United. Every State has it’s own laws and it’s becoming such a huge issue. The influx of immigrants is becoming so out of hand and now uncontrollable. It’s seen an increase in scams, health care, fraud of the SNAP program, Welfare, all off of citizens tax dollars. Everyone blames Biden, but this mess started way before he came into office. Re-open Ellis Island, Close the borders. Anyone wanting to live in these United so-called States must pass an exam, proof of how to take care of themselves financially and not be able to use the benefit programs for 10 years. This country cannot hold every single human from every other country. It’s not big enough and now you can see it. All resources are being used up, especially social security and there will be no money left for those who’ve put thousands of their tax dollars in for their future. Oh, I visited the S.S. office right before COVID and of 40 ppl inside waiting, All were spanish speaking needing interpreters, I was one of only 4 English speaking Americans. They come here and learn how to bilk the system taking away resources.

  4. Gary

    July 18, 2024 at 9:54 am

    “U.S. Border Invasion: DHS & DOJ are Key Suspects”.
    ‘Both tied to CCP Infiltration.’
    ‘Alejandro Mayorkas & Vanita Gupta’ are “connected to the border problems”

    “Number Of Criminals Caught Entering US Illegally Each Month Sets Record: CBP”

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