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Can Trump win 50% of the vote in Fall River in 2024?



Last week, former President and current Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump was found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree. Just three days later, the son of the former President, in an interview with Maria Bartiromo, disclosed that the Trump campaign raised almost $200 million dollars in the days after the conviction.

“I mean, these are Americans who are pissed off. They’re coming out of the woodwork and they want to support a guy that they just believe he’s getting bamboozled by a system” Eric Trump told Bartiromo.

The legal woes have only seemed to bolster support for the embattled former President Trump, where he has seen rallies grow in size over the past few months. Video of the rally in the Bronx last month went viral, with some reports of up to 25,000 supporters joining Trump at Crotona Park.

But how will voters in Fall River vote this November?

In 2016, the statewide vote for Trump was only 33.5% but Fall River had that number beat. 36.6% of voters picked Trump for President in 2016.

In 2020, the statewide vote for Trump went down to 32.6% but Fall River really moved the needle red. That year, Fall River voters gave Trump a whopping 42.8% of the vote.

In elections going back to 1980, Fall River has yet to give a Republican candidate 50% or more of their vote. Even when Ronald Reagan won the whole state of Massachusetts in back to back election years in 1980 and 1984, Fall River still voted Democrat.

Will this be the year that Fall River votes in the majority for a Republican candidate?

Primary correspondent for the Greater Fall River area, Jess focuses on human interest stories and investigations into political corruption. She is a former fill-in host and digital contributor at The Howie Carr Show, former host of The Jessica Machado Show and SouthCoast Tonight on WBSM in New Bedford, former blogger at The Herald News and a former fill-in host at WSAR in Fall River.



  1. Barrack Warren

    June 4, 2024 at 6:16 pm

    He can win 100% of Fall River; the votes don’t matter. Massachusetts is solid blue!

  2. MortisMaximus

    June 4, 2024 at 7:36 pm

    Will the debt exclusion for the New Diman pass. The City Council already voted yes on the new Diman with funding coming out of the general fund. Looks like homeowners will be on the hook if this passes. Rents will naturally climb higher. 77 million dollars of Wuhan Covid recovery money spent. Do you see anything different? Same old same old, the city needs more of your money. Stop voting to be in bondage.

  3. MAGA

    June 4, 2024 at 11:33 pm

    You betcha.

  4. Gary Dunn

    June 4, 2024 at 11:36 pm

    Turn too red please

  5. ANTIFA because MAGA is a Fascist Cult

    June 5, 2024 at 9:36 am

    And they say Nazism can’t happen in this country. It’s already happening. I guess this country is going to have to learn its lesson just like the Germans did and the Russians are now. I’ll take freedom over authoritarian fascism. Fascism never goes well.

    PS if you want another economic crash vote Republican because that’s what they’re good at. That and making the super rich richer and increasing the deficit with tax cuts for the super wealthy and corporations with no spending cuts. But hey believe whatever the führer tells you. Oh and don’t forget those crazy conspiracies from Qanon.

    Trump himself said I love the poorly educated. That must be why so many Fall Riverites love the felon. The ultimate loser.

    • MortisMaximus

      June 5, 2024 at 1:33 pm

      Smartest guy in the room is a True Nazi. Everyone else is stupid because their living expenses have skyrocketed. ANQUEEFA are a bunch of beta-incels who demand everything for nothing. Goes to show you the reality, if you believe in family, God and Country you are labeled fascist by a minority of complete lunatics. Americans are watching the Uni-Party Duopoly in Washington and the Blue States, of which there aren’t a majority, destroy the Republic and the Constitution. Locally Fascist Representitive Jake Auchincloss is pushing for Nuclear war with Russia, because he is concerned with Democracy in Totalitarian Ukraine. These people think that none of us are paying attention. Let us prove them wrong. America First, always and forever.

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