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7-month-old infant injured at home in Duxbury has died



Graphic courtesy of Fall River Police

A third child has died after a tragic incident that took place earlier this week in Massachusetts.

According to Plymouth County District Attorney Timothy Cruz, police responded to a home at 47 Summer Street on Tuesday after a 911 call at 6:11 p.m. for a report of a male resident coming home and finding Clancy was attempting to commit suicide. Clancy jumped out of a window and was later sent to a local hospital for treatment.

Responders located three children unconscious, a 5-year-old girl, a 3-year-old boy, and an approximately 7-month-old infant, which were found with serious trauma. The three-year-old and five-year-old were taken to a hospital where they were pronounced deceased on Tuesday.

The 7-month-old was medflighted to a Boston Hospital and died on Friday.

While an autopsy will confirm, Cruz stated Wednesday that it appears the children were strangled, and charges are being sought for Clancy in their deaths.

According to multiple media outlets, those who know Lindsay Clancy of Duxbury have stated that she had taken a leave from her job as a nurse and was undergoing an extensive five day a week program for postpartum depression before jumping from a window in what 911 calls described as a suicide attempt.

Clancy’s husband has been reportedly working from home to support her and left for 25 minutes to get take-out and returned home.

Clancy is still being treated and it is unclear when she will face the murder charges.



  1. Fed Up

    January 27, 2023 at 5:43 pm

    Poor thing. rest in peace. I hope they make this woman pay a heavy toll for this I don’t give a F*CK about her mental illness. She knew at some point she was having thoughts she shouldn’t be having and did nothing about it. She’s a monster and I hope she goes to jail forever.

    • Sue Paivanas

      January 29, 2023 at 9:51 am

      Omg omg god bless all of them what a state she must have been in to do that to the souls she loved omg 💔💔💔

    • Lori

      January 29, 2023 at 9:51 am

      When your brain is broken, how would anyone think that she could’ve prevented it? Don’t you think she would have? It’sa horrible thing, for sure. The medical community could’ve done more. If she was this badly off, why wouldn’t someone have kept her from the children? It’s not all her fault. Medicine is a business. They don’t really care. If they had, this never would’ve occurred.

    • Sue Paivanas

      January 29, 2023 at 9:52 am

      To the person who made the rude comment about her going to jail and about mental illness I hope you have a wicked life

      • Tatsuo

        January 30, 2023 at 7:49 pm

        Nah, I don’t give a **** about her illness, that does not excuse what she did to her children. She still murdered them and deserves to go to prison. Thats like saying someone with a past trauma of sexual abuse should be excused if they committed rape cause of illness.

        • Anne

          February 1, 2023 at 10:50 pm

          Postpartum psychosis means you literally are not in your right mind. It’s not just depression. You’re delusional. They are going to charge her but she’s going to ended up in a psychiatric hospital. Unfortunately her husband shouldn’t of left her alone at all😕. Psychosis should be treated with a psych hold, not in a care of a spouse and 3 children. It’s Andrea Yates all over again.

  2. Al

    January 29, 2023 at 5:50 pm

    She is a monster…..

  3. Julie

    January 29, 2023 at 7:56 pm

    If you have never experienced ppd, you really have no idea how ill the brain is and the thoughts that cross the mind. My heart aches for this mother and father and their families who now must live on. I can only imagine their pain and its horendous.

  4. Bruce Harris

    January 29, 2023 at 8:34 pm

    I’d like to know who’s the therapist that was treating her and why didn’t this person have a inkling that this woman was capable of doing this. Treatment 5 days a week I would say that’s pretty serious treatment.I think the therapist, medical community, shoulders a certain amount of responsibility for this crime. So-called mental health professionals sure didn’t have a very accurate diagnosis on her.

  5. Margie

    January 29, 2023 at 8:59 pm

    Damn. Postpartum depression is awful. Between this case and the one in Texas in 2001( Andrea Yates,mother), all parties should be warned to never leave the children alone with them. So heartbreaking.

  6. Karkar

    January 30, 2023 at 1:51 pm

    I kinda want to feel sad for her yet if the husband only really left for 25 minutes to get takeout then it seems like she waited for the opportunity which its a bit of premeditation on her part…I am taking into account her illness but why didn’t she just kill herself…

  7. Holly

    January 30, 2023 at 2:43 pm

    Headline says “Injured at home?” You mean murdered.

  8. Kathy M Liverman

    January 30, 2023 at 3:28 pm

    Unless one has experienced mental illness themselves, there is no way they can even begin to understand the hell on earth it is. Try having someone cut off both your legs and then tell you to walk and stop screaming in pain because its all in your head. Just like any physical illness, mental illness is real. Im sure Lindsey was all the wonderful things her husband and loved ones says she was and that she loved her children with all her heart. This is a tragedy that no one should ever have to experience and my prayers are with the entire family and the Clancy”s three beautuful children who are no longer with us.

  9. JuJu

    January 30, 2023 at 5:00 pm

    This is yet another example of no matter how much psychiatric or psychological therapy one may receive regarding mental issues, no professional – competent or not, heaven forbid, can ever really get inside a person’s head to really know a person’s thoughts.

    However, if therapy was five days a week, that is quite a red flag to someone’s mental instability.

  10. Claire

    January 30, 2023 at 6:52 pm

    I know this is EXTREMELY difficult for the non ill mind to comprehend, but i have spoken to mothers in the past during deep depressions who contemplated suicide. Some told me they couldn’t do it because they SERIOUSLY thought about killing all of their children before killing themselves because they couldn’t imagine their children growing up without a mother. She may have thought about her 7 month old without her, for example. She may have been breastfeeding. She may have thought how will he thrive without me…

    I am not excusing what she did. I’m just explaining what MAY have gone through her mind because of what I know went though the minds of 2 suicidal mothers prior to this horrible tragedy. 2 women whom I personally know. These women both had themselves committed to get better after having such thoughts.

    One said she thought how awful it would be for her 5 year old to see her body hanging, and how awful it would be for her husband to have to explain to him what happened to her. Another thought about how her 5 year old daughter would hate her forever when she didn’t have a mother for things like shopping for dances etc. In the mind of a TRULY mentally ill person, she may think her children are actually better off dead than alive on Earth without her/ without a mother. So it’s a crime of passion — in a way. In her mind, an I’ll mind, it’s “merciful”. I wish someone knew she was having these thoughts so she could have been put in a group home for 24/7 monitoring until she was better. The women I know KNEW the thoughts they were having were NOT rational, so they told someone. They didn’t WANT to go through with it. One thought she could manage them on her own for a while and would call someone to go over to her house when the thoughts would crop up , but eventually she knew she needed to seek more treatment than just outpatient therapy as the thoughts became more frequent and more strong. She began planning and that’s when she knew it was time to put herself away and protect her family from herself as well as herself from herself.

    May God, Our Father, hold this man and woman and their extended family in the palm of His hands as they weather this brutal storm and loss. Amen.

  11. Tatsuo

    January 30, 2023 at 7:52 pm

    I don’t care about her illness at all, she still murdered her children and deserves to go to prison. Her having post partum depression doesn’t give her a pass for murder, she deserves to be punished just like any other murderer.

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