3-year-old girl on the mend after serious injury in lawn mower accident

A young girl is re-cooperating after a serious accident involving a lawn mower.
On August 22nd, Lakeville Officers Swift and Fazzino responded to a call for help involving three-year-old Abigail, who had been involved in a tragic accident involving a ride-on lawn mower.
The accident caused extensive damage to her left leg and foot.
Photo courtesy of Lakeville Police Department
According to Lakeville Police, Abigail spent 16 days at Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Providence and has had five surgeries since the accident. The officers have remained in contact with Abigail’s family, seeking updates and offering assistance.
This morning, the officers dropped by to check on Abigail and her sister, Alexa. They arrived with gifts and a get well card to offer their support and make sure she was recovering well.
Annette Bibeau
September 20, 2020 at 11:31 pm
It is spelled “recuperating”. If you can’t spell, you don’t belong in journalism.