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13 new apartments, 3 new townhouses, 1 new tattoo shop proposed in Fall River



Several proposals are set to be brought in front of the Fall River Zoning Board of Appeals in September that would bring more housing and a new business.

HYDE DEVELOPMENT LLC c/o Atty. Thomas P. Killoran seeks to divide the subject parcel at 386 High Street into two lots, requesting a Variance to convert the existing office building into nine residential apartments, waiving lot area and lot coverage requirements for lot one.

The applicant also seeks a Variance to construct three townhouse units on the second lot, waiving lot area and lot coverage.

The applicant also requests a Special Permit pursuant to §86-445 and §86-444 A (1) and (2) of the City of Fall River Zoning Ordinance, for adjustments to parking aisle widths and the use of parking spaces on a separate lot. The property is located in an A-2 (Apartment) Zoning District. 

Additionally, ANTONE & ASHLEY ESTRELLA c/o Atty. Gregory A. Brilhante seeks a Variance to change the use of 736 Brayton Avenue from a hair salon to a tattoo parlor.

The petitioner is also requesting a Special Permit to waive parking requirements. The property is located in an R-4 (Two-Family) Zoning District.

Lastly, GRAND MANOR HOLDINGS, LLC represented by Attorney Peter Saulino, is seeking a Variance to convert the existing four-unit apartment building at 289 Bank Street into an eight 1-bedroom unit apartment building, waiving dimensional requirements. Additionally, the petitioner is requesting a Special Permit to waive parking requirements. The property is located in an A-2 (Apartment) Zoning District.

The motion was tabled to the September meeting from the August meeting to have parking and unit size addressed in the proposal.

The ZBA hearing is set to take place September 19th at 6:00 p.m. in the first floor Hearing Room in Government Center.



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